Free voices of Crimea — 16 DecemberOleksiy Bessarabov: Dream of the SeaIn political prisoner cases, Russian security services often invent and fabricate “evidence” to create a realistic narrative. This time, they lucked out with a plot, as the “Sevastopol saboteurs” case involved three friends with shared histories
Interviews — 4 OctoberKatherine Younger: “By choosing to fight and resist, Ukrainians remind Europe every day of who they are”The researcher discusses the significance of the Ukrainian voice in the world and the newly established Institute for Documentation and Interaction in Lviv
Free voices of Crimea — 30 AugustMarlen (Suleyman) Asanov: My NameOn October 10, 2017, as he returned home, Asanov leaned close to his four-year-old daughter, Safiye, inhaling the familiar scent of her dark hair. He whispered, “I feel for those who have been deprived of their freedom. I want every prisoner to embrace their children and feel their scent as soon as possible”
Free voices of Crimea — 24 JuneAsan Akhtem: I Want to BreatheLate at night on September 4, 2021, the Federal Security Service (FSB) officers burst into the Akhtem family’s apartment. It was not even midnight, and Akhtem and his wife had just gone to bed. The silence was shattered by screams and footsteps as armed men in balaclavas entered the room—more than ten of them
Free voices of Crimea — 23 February 2024Nariman Dzhelyal: Center of GravityRussians not only physically destroyed Crimean Tatars but also erased any mention of this indigenous people of Crimea. They continued what had started during the time of the Russian Empire
Opinions — 12 July 2023Torn in TwoA journalist on balancing between two countries and the fear of remaining unheard