Opinions — 2 AugustReturn to MariupolThe black abyss of grief, my dearest city in the world
Opinions — 26 JulyCraddle Over the AbyssThe writer and soldier talks about his childhood, the miserable and enfeebled nineties, and one of the main basic needs, the need for safety
Opinions — 2 JulyUkrainian Victories Over MuscovyThe historian talks about myths, traditions, and the germs of future confrontation
Opinions — 29 MayWhat Would Be the Victory in This War?The Director of the Frontier Institute on the social contract of dignity, trust, and survival values that extend far beyond the Russo-Ukrainian war
Opinions — 14 MayJustice for SvitlanaThe head of the Center for Civil Liberties on justice, which should not depend on the strength of the Russian regime
Opinions — 27 March 2024Disease—CurableA writer and soldier on why russian aggression against Ukraine is not an arthouse drama, but a real tragedy capable of spreading its bacillus all over the European continent
Opinions — 27 February 2024That’s why literature existsA literary scholar — on the Ukrainian war poetry and how literature can help live through the reality of the present
Opinions — 26 February 2024Our OtherA Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Institute on occupation, the trauma of Separation, and shifting the paradigm from “ours vs. other” to “ours vs. our other”